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List the Animations In a PowerPoint Presentation
Sometimes you might want to know what animations have
been used in a presentation. This lists all animations.
Typical Output
Slide 1
Shape: Rectangle 6 >> Animation type: Object Color >> Duration: 0.5
Shape: Rectangle 5 TRIGGERED ANIMATION >> Animation type: Split >> Duration:
Slide 2
Shape: Title 1 >> Animation type: Random Bars >> Duration: 0.5 (EXIT)
Sub printAnimations()
Dim osld As Slide
Dim oshp As Shape
Dim oeff As Effect
Dim strReport As String
Dim iNum As Integer
Dim t As Integer
Dim sFileName As String
Dim strEx As String
iNum = FreeFile
For Each osld In ActivePresentation.Slides
If osld.TimeLine.MainSequence.Count > 0 Then
strReport = strReport & "Slide " & osld.SlideIndex & vbCrLf & "#####" &
For Each oeff In osld.TimeLine.MainSequence
If oeff.Exit Then strEx = " (EXIT) " Else strEx = ""
strReport = strReport & "Shape: " & oeff.Shape.Name & " >> Animation type: "
& getAniName(oeff.EffectType, oeff.Exit) & " >> Duration: " &
oeff.Timing.Duration & strEx & vbCrLf
Next oeff
For t = 1 To osld.TimeLine.InteractiveSequences.Count
For Each oeff In osld.TimeLine.InteractiveSequences(t)
If oeff.Exit Then strEx = " (EXIT) " Else strEx = ""
strReport = strReport & "Shape: " & oeff.Shape.Name & " TRIGGERED ANIMATION
" & " >> Animation type: " & getAniName(oeff.EffectType, oeff.Exit) & " >>
Duration: " & oeff.Timing.Duration & strEx & vbCrLf
Next oeff
Next t
strReport = strReport & vbCrLf
End If
Next osld
sFileName = Environ("USERPROFILE") & "\Desktop\AniFile.txt"
Open sFileName For Output As iNum
Print #iNum, strReport
Close iNum
Call Shell("NOTEPAD.EXE " & sFileName, vbNormalFocus)
MsgBox "The results are on your desktop in a file called AniFile.txt",
End Sub
Function getAniName(lngIn As Long, b_EX As Boolean) As String
Select Case lngIn
Case Is = 1
getAniName = "Appear"
If b_EX Then getAniName = "Disappear"
Case Is = 2
getAniName = "Fly In"
If b_EX Then getAniName = "Fly Out"
Case Is = 3
getAniName = "Blinds"
Case Is = 4
getAniName = "Box"
Case Is = 5
getAniName = "Checkerboard"
Case Is = 6
getAniName = "Circle"
Case Is = 7
getAniName = "Crawl In"
If b_EX Then getAniName = "Crawl Out"
Case Is = 8
getAniName = "Diamond"
Case Is = 9
getAniName = "Dissolve In"
Case Is = 10
getAniName = "Fade"
Case Is = 11
getAniName = "Flash Once"
Case Is = 12
getAniName = "Peek In"
Case Is = 13
getAniName = "Plus"
Case Is = 14
getAniName = "Random Bars"
Case Is = 15
getAniName = "Spiral In"
If b_EX Then getAniName = "Spiral Out"
Case Is = 16
getAniName = "Split"
Case Is = 17
getAniName = "Stretch"
If b_EX Then getAniName = "Collapse"
Case Is = 18
getAniName = "Strips"
Case Is = 19
getAniName = "Basic Swivel"
Case Is = 20
getAniName = "Wedge"
Case Is = 21
getAniName = "Wheel"
Case Is = 22
getAniName = "Wipe"
Case Is = 23
getAniName = "Basic Zoom"
Case Is = 24
getAniName = "Random"
Case Is = 25
getAniName = "Boomerang"
Case Is = 26
getAniName = "Bounce"
Case Is = 27
getAniName = "Color Typewriter"
Case Is = 28
getAniName = "Credits"
Case Is = 29
getAniName = "Ease In"
If b_EX Then getAniName = "Ease Out"
Case Is = 30
getAniName = "Float"
Case Is = 31
getAniName = "Grow & Turn"
Case Is = 32
getAniName = "Light Speed"
Case Is = 33
getAniName = "Pinwheel"
Case Is = 34
getAniName = "Rise Up"
If b_EX Then getAniName = "Sink Down"
Case Is = 35
getAniName = "Drop"
Case Is = 36
getAniName = "Thread"
Case Is = 37
getAniName = "Unfold"
Case Is = 38
getAniName = "Whip"
Case Is = 39
getAniName = "Float Up"
Case Is = 40
getAniName = "Center Revolve"
Case Is = 41
getAniName = "Swivel"
Case Is = 42
getAniName = "Float Down"
Case Is = 43
getAniName = "Sling"
Case Is = 44
getAniName = "Spinner"
Case Is = 45
getAniName = "Compress"
Case Is = 46
getAniName = "Magnify"
Case Is = 47
getAniName = "Curve Up"
Case Is = 48
getAniName = "Zoom"
Case Is = 49
getAniName = "Glide"
Case Is = 50
getAniName = "Expand"
Case Is = 51
getAniName = "Flip"
Case Is = 52
getAniName = "Shimmer"
Case Is = 53
getAniName = "Fold"
Case Is = 54
getAniName = "Fill Color"
Case Is = 55
getAniName = "Change Font"
Case Is = 56
getAniName = "Font Color"
Case Is = 57
getAniName = "Font Size"
Case Is = 58
getAniName = "Font Style"
Case Is = 59
getAniName = "Grow / Shrink"
Case Is = 60
getAniName = "Line Color"
Case Is = 61
getAniName = "Spin"
Case Is = 62
getAniName = "Transparency"
Case Is = 63
getAniName = "Bold Flash"
Case Is = 64
getAniName = "Blast"
Case Is = 65
getAniName = "Bold Reveal"
Case Is = 66
getAniName = "Brush Color"
Case Is = 67
getAniName = "Underline"
Case Is = 68
getAniName = "Object Color"
Case Is = 69
getAniName = "Color Wave"
Case Is = 70
getAniName = "Complementary Color"
Case Is = 71
getAniName = "Complementary Color2"
Case Is = 72
getAniName = "Contrasting Color"
Case Is = 73
getAniName = "Darken"
Case Is = 74
getAniName = "Desaturate"
Case Is = 75
getAniName = "Pulse"
Case Is = 76
getAniName = "Color Pulse"
Case Is = 77
getAniName = "Grow with Color"
Case Is = 78
getAniName = "Lighten"
Case Is = 79
getAniName = "Style Emphasis"
Case Is = 80
getAniName = "Teeter"
Case Is = 81
getAniName = "Vertical Highlight"
Case Is = 82
getAniName = "Wave"
Case Is >= 83
getAniName = "Motion Path"
End Select
End Function
How to Use Code