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PowerPoint Check Boxes

If you need to include checkboxes in a PowerPoint presentation your first thought is probably the checkbox available in the control toolbox.

This will work fine but it is very small and the size cannot be altered. Also the free viewer won't like them and they cannot be animated or grouped.

You can easily create a checkbox of your own design using triggers:

First draw the shape needed and add the text either an "X" or another symbol. Set the shapes fill to white (or a colour of your choice)

Now selct only the text and give it an animation of entrance Faded zoom and also exit faded zoom. Both should be set to very fast. Now select both and in timing set a trigger of the shape itself. If the shape animates uncheck the "animate attached shapes" box.

The custom animation pane should look like this:

Animation Pane

Clicking on the box (in show mode) will toggle between "checked" and "unchecked". Once you have made one it can be cut and pasted to make further copies.

There's a simple demo to download here


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